Haivision Network Video - Peter Maag, Senior Vice President

Peter Maag
Q. What broad technology trends do you think will be front-and-centre at IBC2010?

The entire market is driving toward direct broadcast to all devices. As such, direct multiformat and bitrate support will be more critical than ever.

Q. Any thoughts on how the current economic climate will affect the show?

Traditional broadcast companies are under severe price/cost pressure by “almost broadcast” industrial technologies. You will see much more internal product segmentation by the traditional vendors to offer broadcast-quality and industrial-quality products.

Q. What’s new that you will show at IBC2010 and that broadcasters should look for there?

Haivision focuses on encode-once technology. We inherently provide multi-bitrate industry standard streams that are easily consumable by many systems.

Q. How is your new product offering different from what’s available on the market?

Haivision’s Makito product line offers a price/performance level that is very appealing to broadcasters who handle many channels and have a diverse distribution strategy. It is very low cost, high performance, compact encoding/decoding technology.

Q. Where are you based, and how many employees do you have? Anything else we should know about your company?

Haivision is based in Montreal and Chicago and offers a perfect blend of IP video hardware and IP video distribution software. The Furnace, Haivision’s IP video software, is unique in delivering the TV experience to the desktop, securely and without the need to install any software.

Q. How many years have you been going to the IBC show and what’s your fondest memory? What’s your favorite restaurant or pub?

This is Haivision’s 5th year at IBC. Memories are hazy, but our absolute favorite place is Pata Negra, a casual, authentic tapas restaurant.

Q. 3D – Hope or Hype or In Between, or wait and see?

For now, 3D is Hope for people in the content and distribution chain, but Hype for auxiliary players. The real market impacts are years away once the production foundation is set.