The TCT Network acquires mass storage with Digital Broadcast���s MediaVault Archive

The TCT Network in Marion, IL, has recently incorporated a MediaVault Archive System into its Digital Broadcast MediaFire Automated Master Control System. Based on blue laser technology, the MediaVault provides the TCT Network with up to 35TB of archive storage.

MediaVault’s Blu-ray disks offer up to 50GB per media and storage libraries of up to 35TB of data and up to 14 parallel data streams with 72Mb/s each. Blu-ray media life is greater than 50 years without compromising playback quality, independent of the frequency of playbacks or the need for managed backups. The form factor of drive and media is identical to the CD/DVD format; however, the Blu-ray disk currently has 5 times the density per recording layer of a DVD.

Digital Broadcast’s MediaVault is an enhancement to the MediaFire system already operating at the TCT Network. With MediaFire, the central site in Marion has complete control and monitoring of the automated playout and satellite recording at the network’s stations in seven different locations. The individual stations, however, do have the ability to control the playout schedule locally, if that should become necessary.

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