RTVE develops new multimedia document management system with Tedial

Spanish national broadcaster RTVE has embarked on a project to replace multiple existing library systems with a single flexible and scalable integrated archive. Multimedia management supplier Tedial is providing the specialist expertise in this project, alongside partner companies Autonomy and IBM.

Currently, RTVE has a number of vital archive systems, including a document database with more than 15 million records and an audio archive with 300,000 hours of content. As well as covering these, the new system will also bring online the video archive, with an initial estimate of 50,000 hours of content, plus related documents and metadata such as subtitle files.

In the new project, being led by IBM and Telefonica Soluciones, the media management will be the responsibility of Tedial. IBM is developing a service-oriented architecture to unite the various library management services into a unified whole, and Tedial is contributing to this integration.

The implementation of a multimedia system at RTVE requires the development of new software to meet the system requirements. This will be based on a number of standard software modules, mainly on the Tarsys digital media asset manager. The project will also use the Tedial AST storage management module for hierarchical storage management across large disk arrays and data tape libraries; content analysis, indexing and browse resolution service using the Tedial Indexer; and workflows and content movement using the Tedial Media Process Manager.

For more information, visit www.tedial.com.