New Gefen Signal Generator Troubleshoots HD Problems

Gefen’s latest TV signal generator (marketed under its Prosumer brand name) for HD home theater systems was designed to provide real-time testing of video displays and projectors operating with HDMI (or DVI with an adapter).

The GefenTV Signal Generator’s LCD display menu provides more than three dozen video testing patterns, including: HDCP verification; three audio testing signals; a sine-wave formation; and access to 35 timing settings. The generator is designed to enable a full evaluation/calibration of HD systems and troubleshooting potential problem scenarios.

A Windows-based download application is available for extra timing and programming controls, including reading/writing of EDID (Extended Display Identification Standard) and fast access to favored timing modes with the auto-scroll feature.

The signal generator is also compatible with NTSC and PAL, and includes an overscan option for undersized video.