Advanced Systems Group upgrades Quantum SAN for Bonfire Labs

Advanced Systems Group has completed a Quantum StorNext SAN network upgrade for Bonfire Labs, a motion design agency and production studio in San Francisco.

Founded five years ago, Bonfire Labs grew out of Phoenix Editorial, which first opened its doors in 1991. Bonfire’s creative team relies on Mac Pro workstations equipped with Adobe Creative Suite 5, Apple Final Cut Pro, Autodesk Maya, The Foundry’s NUKE and MAXON CINEMA 4D. Supplementing these systems are Autodesk Smoke on Linux for finishing and a render farm managed with Uberware’s Smedge.

All of its workstations are connected to the Quantum StorNext SAN, which has been in use at Bonfire for three years and allows collaboration among its various workstations.

The improvements by ASG included a facilitywide operating system upgrade to Apple OS X 10.6, which impacted workstations, servers, applications and plug-ins, as well as the SAN.