Ukraine broadcaster turns to Leitch for new sports channels

Part of Poverkhnost’s new broadcast infrastructure now includes three Leitch NEXIO video server systems.

Poverkhnost, a broadcast facility in Kiev, Ukraine, has begun using Leitch Technology broadcast infrastructure equipment for playout at two new sports channels.

Leitch provided three NEXIO video server systems, two NewsFlash nonlinear editing systems and a 32x32 Panacea compact multiformat router.

The foundation of Poverkhnost's new playout system is NEXIO, a modular, scalable server system for transmission and news environments. It offers integrated applications platforms for editing, browsing and media management across a multi-tiered storage hierarchy.

Providing Poverkhnost with an editing solution, NewsFlash reduces editing time by enabling direct access to all content stored on the NEXIO server system as soon as ingest begins.

Rounding out the system is Panacea, a routing solution.

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