KOTA TV upgrades NewsKing News, adds Video Technics NewsFlow

KOTA, the ABC affiliate in Rapid City, SD, recently upgraded its Comprompter NewsKing newsroom automation by adding the Video Technics NewsFlow nonlinear tapeless newsroom.

NewsFlow was installed at KOTA to provide a complete end-to-end digital solution with Apella servers for multichannel ingest and playout, VT Proxy Editor seats, networked storage, VT Media Exchange Server for transferring files such as Pathfire-delivered content and Pathfire’s Transfer Service. This solution has allowed KOTA to work on a completely digital shared network environment.

The VT Proxy Editor clients can be used standalone or embedded inside newsroom control systems, such as NewsKing. The VT Proxy Editor and NewsKing integration allows users to browse the NewsFlow database from low-res MPEG-1 proxies and acquire, edit and produce a complete VO, SOT, tease, or simple package. Users are able to drag finished content from the embedded VT Proxy Editor directly into the NewsKing rundown for immediate on-air playout.

For more information, visit www.comprompter.com and www.videotechnics.com.

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