Accom's Quad Twin Dveous large screen featured at 2004 Democratic National Convention

Accom's Quad Twin Dveous stage hit the big screen at last month's Democratic National Convention in Boston. Pictured: A CNN anchor reporting from The Fleet Center.

Accom made a highly visible contribution to the Democratic National Convention. The company’s large seamless Quad Twin Dveous stage screen was used on the main stage for convention viewers.

Millions of people worldwide tuned in to watch the convention throughout the week and witnessed a stylish new large seamless stage screen presentation made possible by Dveous/MX operating in its new Quad Twin mode. In full Quad Twin configuration, Dveous/MX supports either eight channels of video or four video/key channel pairs for a high range of versatility in effects creation. Effects created to exploit Dveous’s Quad Twin capabilities can be used equally in standard definition and high definition and transferred freely between formats. At the Fleet Arena, Dveous/MX used eight channels of its Quad Twin power to form the seamless screen. The large screen is five inputs wide overlaid on each other. The other channels feed supporting plasma screens.

To learn more about its Quad Twin Dveous stage screens, visit Accom.

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