Vizrt Introduces Multiplatform Automation Workflow

BERGEN, NORWAY—Station automation tool provider Vizrt has announced an integrated multiplatform automation workflow. This new workflow is designed for live production and can work with Vizrt’s Viz Mosart studio automation system, Viz Opus control room in-a-box system, and the Viz One media asset management system.

The process begins by uploading the rundown into Vizrt’s station automation technology; it is able to contain multiple rundowns for different shows. The Viz One system then ingests the clean feed of the live show from the studio automation system in real-time for automatic archiving. Detailed information is captured in the MAM, allowing content to be searched from Viz One’s browser-based interface or in the NRCS. Content can be reused and graphic packages edited for other shows.

Then, Vizrt’s transcoder system can automatically create multiple versions of the video and graphics for online and mobile use. Content is ready to be viewed by the consumer on any platform in real-time.