New SG384 RF signal generator covers DC to 4GHz range

Stanford Research Systems has introduced the SG384, a 4GHz RF signal generator.

The SG384 offers a DC-to-4GHz frequency range with 1 mirco Hz resolution, AM, FM, ØM and PM, with -116dBc/Hz phase noise at 20kHz offset from 1GHz, full octave frequency sweeps, an OCXO time base and standard RS 232, GPIB and Ethernet interfaces.

The SG384 has two front-panel outputs with overlapping frequency ranges. A BNC output provides outputs from DC to 62.5MHz with adjustable offsets and amplitudes from 1 mV to 1 Vrms (2.82 Vpp) into a 50 ohm load. An N-type output sources frequencies from 950kHz to 4.05GHz with power from +13dBm to ‑110dBm (amplitude from 1 Vrms to 0.707 microVrms) into a 50 ohm load.

Options include clock outputs, analog I/Q inputs and a rubidium time base.