Iraqi Media Network, Ecuavisa turn to Avid for newsroom solutions

Avid Technology’s newsroom systems have found homes recently in a couple of new newsrooms around the world, including the Iraqi Media Network and Ecuavisa in Ecuador.

The Iraqi Media Network migrated from a manual, tape-based system and built a news facility with an end-to-end Avid newsroom workflow solution. It is scheduled to go live later this year.

Installed by Kholoud Telecom and Broadcast System Solutions (KTBS), the system includes Avid iNEWS newsroom computer systems, Avid Unity ISIS and Interplay systems for production asset management, AirSpeed Multi Stream ingest and playout servers, Avid Active Content Manager and a number of Avid editing solutions.

Additionally, Ecuadorian broadcaster Ecuavisa recently purchased iNEWS and several AirSpeed systems to connect newsrooms in disparate locations and facilitate enterprisewide collaborative news production.