Can you run a forum?

Are you the kind of person who communicates well? Do you have your own forum or post on other technical forums? Would you like to help create an active dialog space for Broadcast Engineering readers?

Shortly we’ll be launching a technical forum where engineers, operators, managers and other broadcast and production personnel can engage in a dialog between themselves and other experts. In the forum, readers will be able to ask questions, provide feedback and, in general, talk with others who share your needs and concerns. The Broadcast Engineering forum will become the perfect place to let others know how you feel about a broad range of technical, regulatory and other professional topics or to ask questions when you need help.

To build and operate the forum, we need one forum administrator and several forum moderators. These leaders must be technically savvy, active in the production or broadcast space and willing to devote sufficient time to get the forum up, running and keep it active.

What’s in it for you?

First, you’ll be contributing back to your industry and community. You are successful, help others become so. Second, you’ll receive wide publicity, even notoriety. Third, Broadcast Engineering will be creating future events where our forum leaders will be key participants at show events and training sessions. Al this means you will have ample opportunity to showcase your knowledge, even use the work for certification. Fourth, you will get paid a small stipend – and I emphasize small. We need people who will participate for the love of technology and sharing, not because there’s money to be made.

Next step

If all this sounds interesting, reply via email to: with the word “Forum" in the subject line.

Include in the message area 100 words describing your expertise and background. Be sure and list any forum experience, and include pertinent links.

The leaders will be selected based on their technical background and experience with forums. Don’t wait to participate.