SGT to manage video assets for European Parliament

The European Parliament has chosen SGT for the management of its many media assets.

These include coverage of parliamentary sessions and press conferences in Strasbourg and Brussels as well as reports from other locations. The assets are made available by satellite for the Europe By Satellite channel and other European television broadcasters.

SGT's Media Manager is used at every stage of the workflow, including ingest and digitization, indexing, viewing and the insertion of comments, offline editing, archiving and media search. Depending on the origination, digitization is carried out either live or from videotapes, in up to 25 languages.

For the handling of media, the Browsing and Offline Editing modules enable the system's users to view media, even during digitization, and to log content for excerpts or compilations. The offline edits are performed at low-bitrate and an EDL exported to Grass Valley NewsEdit editing stations. The high-bitrate content for editing is served by Media Manager's DBOS Loader, with partial restore if needed.

The system's capacity to handle multiple languages and simultaneous operations saves time for all users. The Media Manager makes available content in multiple languages from a central resource.

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