LEARN workshop to examine incentive auction details

The FCC will shed light on issues raised in its incentive auction Notice of Proposed Rulemaking adopted last month during a workshop scheduled for Oct. 26 in Washington, D.C.

The workshop, part of the agency’s Learning Everything About Reverse-Auctions Now (LEARN) program, will examine proposed auction designs, the mechanics of participation and station eligibility. It also will focus on issues of interest to broadcasters that may choose not to participate, including proposed band plans and possible approaches to repacking.

Topics to be discussed include: how the incentive auction pieces fit together; proposals for the design of the revers auction; station eligibility; the forward auction and new band plans and interference proposals and repacking. Thirty minutes will be devoted to questions and answers.

The workshop, to be held in the Commission Meeting Room at FCC headquarters, will be streamed live via the Internet and will begin at 1:30 p.m. EDT.