Thomson Grass Valley serves up Democratic gathering to conventioneers

Keeping the show rolling at the Democratic National Convention from Boston was A/V services company ProQue Industries and Thomson Grass Valley brand digital technology.

Conventioneers watching presidential candidate John Kerry and other Democrats on the large screens and plasma displays throughout the Fleet Center didn’t know an eight-channel Grass Valley PFV 1000 Profile XP Media Platform SD server sat behind the scenes serving up the presentations.

Additionally, four PDR 300 servers handled MPEG-encoded files, and two Profile PDR 100 servers distributed JPEG files. The equipment provided random access playback displayed in 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios. All Profile servers were networked via Fibre Channel connections.

ProQue Industries used the Profiles with about seven hours of attached storage per server, providing enough space to handle both pre-built effects created on Apple’s Final Cut Pro and Adobe After Effects systems, as well as to create effects from separate elements during the live show.

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