The Post Group Now Routing With Snell

The Post Group, a Hollywood, Calif.-based post-production house, has implemented a large Snell signal routing, control and monitoring system as part of the operation’s new state-of-the-art facility. The Snell configuration includes an Aurora control system with 14 levels of router control, a Cygnus 576x576 video frame, a Sirius 512x512 AES audio frame, a control and monitoring server, as well as five Snell Freeway routers for handling machine control, timecode and sync signals.

“Snell was able to offer us a complete package that covers every level of our routing requirements including SD, HD, timecode, reference, AES audio, and more,” said Bob Wilson, director of engineering for The Post Group. “Also, the control touch-screen interface is very easy to use and Snell tailored it exactly to our needs. Our employees were able to get up and running very quickly with the new system, which helped make the transition very seamless."

The Post Group, in conjunction with its sister operation, Post Start 2 Finish, provides a complete range of post-production television and film services, including telecine dailies, editing, color correction and more. Lightning Media and the iO Firm are also part of the Post Group’s operations.