Telestream acquires CPC

Telestream has completed the acquisition of leading U.S. captioning software company, CPC. The acquisition adds CPC’s product line to Telestream’s offerings. It also brings expertise in captioning, which will benefit the company’s current and long-term product strategies. Telestream’s transcoding, workflow automation, live streaming and web publishing products will all benefit from the addition of CPC’s technology and market leadership.

Content producers and distributors are all facing increasing demands to caption their content for broadcast, web and mobile distribution. Regulations throughout the world – such as the Twenty-First Century Communications & Video Accessibility Act in the U.S. – are mandating captioning of content for today’s growing number of viewing platforms.

The acquisition adds captioning products to Telestream’s worldwide business: MacCaption for the Mac and CaptionMaker for Windows.

Formerly based in Rockville, Maryland, the company relocated this week to Telestream’s east coast office in Sterling Virginia.