Public Broadcasters Honor Rep. Greg Walden

WASHINGTON -- Association of Public Television Stations presented its Champion of Public Broadcasting Award to Oregon Rep. Greg Walden, chairman of the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology.

The award is given to lawmakers and other individuals who safeguard the ability of local public television stations to provide educational, informational, cultural and other essential public services to their communities, according to the group.

Walden crafted the spectrum incentive auction legislation that became law last year. APTS President and CEO Patrick Butler noted the membership is grateful to Walden for ensuring the transition costs involved in spectrum reform would not “impose an undue burden on public broadcasters.”

Walden and his wife Mylene owned radio stations in Oregon for more than two decades. The lawmaker is also an amateur radio operator (W7EQI).

The Association of Public Television Stations presented the award to Walden during the APTS Public Media Summit on Feb. 26