Point.360 Woodholly Switches with Snell

Point.360 Woodholly recently selected the Snell & Wilcox SD/HD 1012 switcher for linear and non-linear mixing.

The post-house is using the hybrid editing bay to perform source selection, crossfade and video effects. The switcher--that provides 1.5Gbps serial HD or SD performance for up to 12 channels--ingests the feed of DDR sources from Point.360 in uncompressed form, performing crossfade or effect in real time.

Features include timeline control, chroma key, color correctors, border generators and up to two separate twin-channel DVEs.

"The hybrid approach gives us and our clients the best of both worlds, and meets the needs of our customers when they require SD or HD," said Paul Sehenuk, general manager at the Hollywood-based A/V asset management company.