PBS partners with Omneon
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has chosen Omneon's Media Server System for its Technical Operations Center (TOC) in Alexandria, VA.
In addition to awarding the TOC project to Omneon, PBS and Omneon have agreed to collaborate on a joint development of video server technology to address the requirements of PBS and its member stations. Starting in September, PBS member stations will receive content from PBS headquarters in Alexandria, VA. via Omneon's Media Server.
The servers will be used to acquire, store, archive and distribute content to its 349 member stations.
This partnership will allow each company to openly share project and development plans at very early stages in order to optimize resources, and guarantee that projects and products meet the objectives of both companies.
CEI is providing the system integration for the PBS TOC project.
The initial system is a fully redundant configuration using Omneon's new MCP 2101 MediaServer. The system provides nine terabytes of storage and 45 channels of MPEG-2 content, as either SDI baseband I/O or as DVB/ASI MPEG transport streams. In addition, the Omneon Media Server System provides multiple Gigabit Ethernet ports that will be used to transfer content as files, both to and from digital archive devices and PBS facilities in Alexandria, VA. to member stations across the US.
For more information, visit Omneon at www.omneon.com.
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