New digital modules from Pathfire target playout to air

Looking to streamline the process broadcasters use to manage and move syndication, news and spot content from digital delivery to playout to air, Pathfire has introduced a new family of digital “Connect” modules.

Ryad Kahale, director of sales, Broadcast Groups and Stations, at Pathfire, said the company is targeting the workflow process inside broadcast facilities with “virtually hands-free, automated playout to air and seamless workflow integration into play-to-air video servers, automation systems, traffic/operations departments and newsroom systems.”

The new family of Pathfire Digital Media Gateway (DMG) Connect modules includes:

  • Server Connect for Programming, which enables digital file transcoding and transfer of syndicated programming, spots, promos and other short-form content directly to play-to-air servers, and permits multiple DMG users to initiate file transfers simultaneously;
  • Server Connect for News, which enables digital file transcoding and transfer of news content directly to play-to-air servers and video editing platforms, and permits multiple DMG users to initiate file transfers simultaneously;
  • Automation Connect, which enhances workflow by enabling facility automation systems to provide hands-free management and movement of Pathfire-delivered content and metadata from ingest to playout;
  • Traffic Connect, which further enhances workflow by providing a bridge for metadata from Pathfire-delivered content to facility traffic and scheduling systems far in advance of air dates; and
  • News Connect, which embeds news content and metadata directly into facility newsroom computer systems, enabling newsroom staff to browse scripts and low-resolution content in a single, integrated user interface.

Pathfire said the DMG Server Connect for Programming, Server Connect for News and Automation Connect are available today while the Traffic Connect and News Connect modules will be available next year.

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