Image Pacific Announces Release Of Their High Definition Airpack in July 2007

Image Pacific Broadcast Rentals and Image Central Broadcast Rentals have announced that the 4 Camera High Definition Airpack will be ready by July of this year. The system is being built and tested by Sony of Canada.

“We looked at a lot of different options but decided on the Sony HDC-1550 Multi-format HD camera with the triax option as the camera of choice for our discerning clients,” said Image Pacific Broadcast Rentals national operations manager Dale Rechner. “Fujinon HD glass was also a must. The FOR-A HANABI HVS-1000 switcher was the obvious choice due to its size and power. We will also be running 4 x Sony HDW-1800 VTRs and we can offer the option of a 4 Channel EVS XT(2) HD Broadcast Server.”

“We have the hardware and the service to back our clients,” said Roger Williams, owner and president of the Image Pacific Group of Companies. “Its one thing to be able to rent equipment from a rental company but it is another thing to have exceptional customer service as part of the package. It is that client dedication, quality equipment and loyalty that we excel at.”