Chyron CAMIUS, AXIS Upgrades Take Entire Newsroom Workflow To The Cloud

Improvements to the Chyron newsroom portfolio, including upgrades to NRCS support, now enable broadcasters to move their newsrooms entirely to the cloud. (Image credit: Chyron)

MELVILLE, N.Y.—Chyron today unlocked a unveiled sweeping improvements to its newsroom portfolio that enable broadcasters to deploy a complete newsroom workflow in the cloud, the company said.

The updates include new capabilities for cloud deployment of the CAMIO MOS graphic template management system, integration with leading cloud-based Newsroom Computer Systems (NRCS) and migration of the AXIS cloud-based graphics creation and order management platform to an optimized AWS architecture, it said.

"With CAMIO 5.4, we're enabling not just cloud-based graphics management, but a full cloud-based newsroom workflow," said Maria Bulavskaya, product portfolio director at Chyron. "News organizations using Chyron PRIME as their live production engine can deploy both systems in the cloud along with a cloud-based NRCS and move all of it from ground to cloud. They can take full advantage of workflows in the cloud —the processing power, the remote work model and the inherent flexibility and scalability— while offloading local networks and data centers that drive significant costs."

Rather than install graphics servers on-prem at hub and spoke sites, broadcasters now can deploy CAMIO 5.4 almost instantly in the cloud to give authorized team members convenient access, no matter where they work, the company said.

With journalists building stories, previewing and rendering graphics, moving media files and performing other tasks in the cloud, news organizations can remove demand resource demand from the local network, thereby reducing its impact on other business operations, it said.

Besides supporting NRCS that include AP ENPS, Avid iNews, Dalet Galaxy and others, CAMIO 5.4 introduces a new integration with the cloud-based 7Mountains DINA NRCS, a platform being rapidly adopted by pure digital news organizations and global news teams.

The new offering makes it possible for broadcasters to build a newsroom workflow quickly that's entirely accessible from a web browser and is free from conventional time, cost, real estate and local employee requirements, it said.

Chyron also has unveiled a new AWS-based architecture for AXIS, a platform that enables producers and journalists to create graphics from a simple browser interface, alongside an intuitive graphics order management queue that enables collaboration between the art department and editorial teams, Chyron said.

By transitioning to an AWS architecture, the Chyron’s AXIS team has been able to overhaul security, 24/7 proactive support and overall performance of the platform, it said.

The latest AXIS update also includes optimizations to the Maps module rendering performance and infrastructure load balancing as well as an upgraded Associated Press (AP) API integration to ensure reliable security when accessing AP feeds via AXIS.

 More information is available on the company’s website

Phil Kurz

Phil Kurz is a contributing editor to TV Tech. He has written about TV and video technology for more than 30 years and served as editor of three leading industry magazines. He earned a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.