Cambodian documentary shot with Fujinon lens

Documentary filmmaker Bob Elfstrom recently traveled to Angkor Wat, Cambodia, to shoot part of an HD documentary on a rising star in the world of dance, Sar "Sy" Sokvannara. Elfstrom captured the entire shoot with a single lens — Fujinon's new 16X HA16X6.3ERM zoom.

The HA16X6.3ERM lens combines wide angle and high magnification (16X zoom ratio), enabling production crews to carry just one lens for a range of shooting environments.

Coupled with Panasonic's HDX900 DVCPro HD camcorder, the lens allowed Elfstrom, an Emmy-winning filmmaker, to lighten his equipment load and hand carry his production gear. He thus avoided shipping expensive extra lenses to a foreign location.

The HA16X6.3ERM has a wide angle of 6.3mm and a telephoto focal length of 202mm with the 2X extender. The minimum focusing distance has been reduced to 0.4m, and the lens includes Fujinon's DigiPower servo system for precise control of zoom functions.

When used with HD/SD switchable cameras, the HA16X6.3ERM wide angle increases to 7.6mm in the 4:3 mode. This is the same as Fujinon's standard ENG/EFP lenses, therefore, no ratio converter or wide adaptor is required.

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