Belden Adds Audio Snake to Brilliance Line

ST. LOUIS, MO.: Beldenis rolling out outdoor and direct-burial analog audio, plenum-jacketed and plenum Banana Peel snake cable lines. These newly designed Brilliance Audio Snake Cables feature ultra-rugged construction and deliver flexibility over a broad range of indoor and outdoor conditions.

Additions to this product line include three cable series--waterblocked, plenum, and Banana Peel constructions, each offering multiple benefits. Each cable series features a foil shield that is bonded to the jacket which is designed to maintain high performance while improving ease of termination.

Thewaterblockedproduct series consists of six standard product codes with constructions ranging from one to 12 pairs. These products are suitable for direct burial and are outdoor-rated without the installation difficulties associated with gel installations.

In the plenum product series, Belden offers nine product codes including the recent additions of four-, six-, eight- and 12-pair constructions with an overall jacket. Each pair is individually jacketed, eliminating the need for heat shrink. This simplifies field termination and reduces labor costs.

Belden also now offers two-, four-, and 6-pair audio snake cables in its patented Banana Peel construction. All component cables are bundled and affixed to a center spline, eliminating the need for an overall jacket. Installers can easily split the composite cable into individual cables by peeling them away from the center spline.