3G Productions Chooses Riedel Intercoms

GLENDALE, CALIF. —3G Productions has invested in Riedel Artist gear for live-entertainment and corporate events.

In an initial purchase of Riedel equipment, 3G Productions invested in Artist 64 and Artist 32 frames with fiber support of up to 10 km. Each of four purchased Performer C-44 PLUS systems can serve as a stand-alone digital partyline system for smaller requirements. The nine OLED Artist 1100 keypanels accompanying the Artist frames include four 16-key desktop units, two 12-key in-rack units, and three 26-key in-rack units. 3G Productions also purchased 24 beltpacks and two dozen headsets in a variety of styles. More recently, the company announced plans to purchase an additional Artist 128 frame to meet future demand.

The Artist digital matrix intercom system is based on a dual optical fiber ring to form a single large full-summing, non-blocking distributed matrix with 1,024 x 1,024 ports. While the system functions like a single unit, it has no limitations in the number of cross-points within or between the different nodes of the system. Allowing nodes to be places miles from one another when necessary and providing 64 and 32 intercom ports per matrix frame, the Artist systems purchased by 3G Productions allow for decentralization of the entire matrix in a very cost-effective way.