IBC2004 to explore technology, applications, business driving digital cinema

Digital cinema is transforming how movies are produced, distributed and displayed. IBC2004 will offer an in-depth examination of those changes Sept. 13.

Highlights of the digital cinema program include:

  • Ready for the Big Time? – The Status of D-Cinema’s Technical Standards
  • , chaired by Peter Wilson of Snell and Wilcox in the UK. This session offers attendees a chance to learn the status of the technical standards necessary for the movie industry to accept digital cinema as a mainstay. Among the topics to be covered are the entire production chain and the digital delivery process with an emphasis on content delivery, security, storage, playout, programming and projection. Tom McMahon of Dolby Research and Wendy Aylsworth of Warner Brothers will participate in the presentation.
  • A Global View of D-Cinema Application
  • , chaired by Patrick Von Sychowski of Screen Digest in the UK. This session will examine the experience of those putting digital cinema to work. Both feature film and independent movie applications of D-Cinema will be explored as will new applications, such as advertising. Patrick Siaretta of Teleimage in Brazil, Joorst Bert of Kinepolis in Belgium and Rickard Gramfors of Folkets Hus och Parker will present.
  • The Business Case – Making Money in D-Cinema, chaired by David Monk an independent consultant in the UK. What is the value proposition of D-Cinema? This session will provide a panel discussion of new opportunities for digital cinema in fulfilling the business interests of studios, distributors and movie theaters.
  • Improving the Cinema Experience – Keeping Movie-Going Special, chaired by Edward Hobson of National Teleconsultants in the United States. Held in the RAI Auditorium, this session will show what’s required and demonstrate the possibilities for digital cinema in a fully equipped theatrical environment. Glenn Kennel of Texas Instruments Cinema will participate.

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