Echolab Overture™ Satisfies Overflow Crowds at Singapore's Cornerstone Community Church

BILLERICA, Mass. — May 19, 2009 — Echolab Inc. today announced that Cornerstone Community Church, located in Singapore and part of the Zion Ministerial Fellowship, has implemented an Echolab Overture1™ SD switcher to enhance and simplify live, multi-screen production of its worship services, which draw a crowd of about 3,000 people every Sunday.

Cornerstone Community Church instituted IMAG and multi-screen viewing for parishioners in its sanctuary in 2004, but the legacy switcher system's effects were limited to simple cuts and dissolves. This year, the church's production team implemented the Overture1 SD system to improve image quality and production values for screens within the sanctuary as well as improving the overall worship experience for parishioners viewing screens in overflow facilities elsewhere in the church.

"Echolab has not only provided us with a reliable, easy to use, and powerful video switcher, it has also given us outstanding local engineering and sales support," said Justin Luo, Cornerstone Community Church technical director. "Overall, the Overture system has enabled us to take our production quality to a much more sophisticated level."

At Cornerstone Community Church, the Overture system works in conjunction with a matrix-scaler to handle all visuals for the service. Besides serving the IMAG function, the Overture also feeds footage from the main sanctuary to screens in the overflow facilities, and the mix-down is recorded to DVD for distribution by Cornerstone's resource ministry.

Cornerstone Community Church's selection of the Overture switcher was based on the flexibility that the system provides, making it possible to route multiple sources, including legacy analog sources, as needed to different outputs. Additionally, the switcher's ease of operation has enabled the Cornerstone professional staff to run sophisticated, live production with minimal training.

Cornerstone parishioners watching the service from outside the sanctuary particularly appreciate the more dynamic and informative graphics that result from Overture's ability to create multiple layers. This is accomplished through the use of Overture's SuperBox™ module, which acts as a multiviewer and integrates into the Overture's SuperSource™ crosspoint key to enable as many as six windows to be displayed with no reduction in the switcher's DVE capabilities.

"Cornerstone Community Church is like many religious institutions that have recognized the power of audiovisual technology to help teach and inspire," said Ankit Patel, Echolab senior product manager. "With its comprehensive mix of features, its reliability, and its ability to integrate into a legacy system, the Overture is a great fit not only for broadcast but for houses of worship, schools, government, and similar venues all over the world."

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About Cornerstone Community Church

In 1989 a small band of young pioneers brought forth a new congregation to honor God and become a dwelling place of the Lord in Singapore. A year later, that became the Bedok Christian Centre under the umbrella of the Anglican Church in Singapore. On January 1, 1994, the church changed its name to Cornerstone Community Church to better reflect the growing diversity and ministry of the congregation, and on June 2, 1995, to further facilitate the spiritual calling of the church, it became an independent Pentecostal church. On July 16, 2000, Cornerstone became officially affiliated with Zion Ministerial Fellowship Inc., a ministerial fellowship based in Waverly, New York.

About Echolab, Inc.

Echolab, Inc. is a leading provider of video production switchers and related tools that offer flexibility and on-air reliability for the production and distribution of digital media in a variety of formats. With products including its flagship Overture1™ and Overture2™ video production systems, Echolab delivers the robust functionality, reliability, and ease-of-use critical to professional-quality productions. Since its founding in 1974, the company has delivered more than 6,000 production solutions to a global client base including major broadcast networks and stations, corporations, educational institutions, houses of worship, sports arenas, entertainment venues, and military facilities.