C300 HD Will Be Used to Attract Engineers and Projects from the United States and Around the World

MEXICO CITY—Astro LX, a new state-of-the-art mix stage featuring a two-operator, 48-fader, 512-channel Solid Stage Logic C300 HD Console, is open and set to attract high-end feature films and engineers from LA and around the world. The inherent design flexibility of the C300 HD allows Astro’s staff to configure the console to fit the working model of any engineer or director. The C300 gives Astro LX top studio status for the international film industry.

“The primary reason for buying the SSL C300 HD was for the sound quality, advanced automation and the excellent service and support from SSL, but the flexibility of this console is truly unique and offered a new way to approach mixing a film,” says Jaime Baksht, chief engineer for Astro LX, nominated for a British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) Award for his work on the acclaimed Pan’s Labyrinth, Guillermo del Toro’s gothic fairy tale set in Franco’s Spain. “The C300 HD allows us to configure the console topology to the exact working needs of any engineer or project, allowing that engineer to come in and immediately start mixing. We are going to work with projects from the United States, so we can actually design the console layout in advance for a particular engineer who might be used to a different make console. This flexibility is very powerful and only possible with the C300.”

Astro LX employs several Pro Tools® systems for playback of pre-recorded input audio for dialogue, effects, music and ambiance. The mix of these tracks is done through C300 to two Fairlight Xynergi units with 192 tracks each. The C300 HD offers full DSP on all 512 channels to accommodate the data-intensive needs of a modern sound track where a single audio source might be recorded in eight-channel 7.1 surround, perfect for the types of projects at Astro LX.

“When you buy a regular console, you are stuck with the way that manufacturer interprets how a mix console for film should work,” Baksht continues. “With the C300 HD, you must build a console template before you start to work, so the console layout is always perfect for any engineer doing any type of job. With the wide range of audio tracks coming to the mix stage, the configurability of the C300 allows us to constantly change to meet the track and buss needs of a particular production. This flexibility means we will always be on the cutting edge with console capabilities. The C300 keeps us ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing industry.”

Says Juan E. Garcia, general director of Astro LX, “The first movie we completed, “This Is Not a Movie,” really put the C300 through its paces. The film, directed by Olallo Rubio, featured a sound track written and performed by Slash, the guitar player from Guns & Roses, and Sound Design by Javier Umpierrez. The C300 came through the job with flying colors. We are very happy with our choice of console and the response and efficiency of the SSL support staff.”

Solid State Logic is the world’s leading manufacturer of analogue and digital audio consoles and provider of creative tools for music, broadcast and post production professionals. For more information about our award-winning products, please visit: