Final Cut Pro on Quantel

Now Final Cut Pro users can enjoy all the benefits of the fast sQ server workflow

At IBC 2009, Quantel demonstrated complete integration of Apple's Final Cut Pro into the Quantel sQ server News and Sports production environment. Final Cut Pro on Quantel is shipping now.

A new Quantel Final Cut Pro Gateway enables Final Cut Pro to be totally integrated into the sQ workflow in the same way as Quantel's own editors. All the usual Quantel workflow benefits and speed to playout are available but now with Final Cut Pro - there are no compromises.

Workflow advantages of the Quantel Final Cut Pro integration are:

* Ability to edit expanding clips on Final Cut Pro - editing of clips that are still being recorded

* Finished edits are published instantly - edits can be played out the second they are finished

* Delta publishing - only new frames created on Final Cut Pro are moved to the sQ server; a big time-saver

* Final Cut Pro can finish projects started on the journalist desktop with Quantel Low Bit Rate editors

* Automatic protection against deleting the frames used in FCP edits when rushes are deleted

"Our customers told us they wanted to enjoy the speed and flexibility of our sQ broadcast workflow and to tap into the large talent pool of Final Cut Pro editors," said Steve Owen, Quantel Director of Marketing. "The FCP Gateway lets them do just that - it's the same great workflow but now with Final Cut Pro. Judging from the reactions of broadcasters that have previewed this development in our labs, we have met their need in full."