News7 Establishes Bulgaria's First 24-Hour News and Information Channel on Mosart Automation System

BERGEN, Norway -- May 17, 2013 -- Mosart Medialab today announced that News7, the first 24-hour news and information channel in Bulgaria, has launched on Mosart(R) newscast automation. Supplied and integrated by Best Flow Factory (BFF), the Mosart system was designed, tested, and taken live within just three months, quickly providing the first-of-its-kind channel with an economical and highly efficient solution for live news production.

"Mosart automation offers a compelling cost-saving alternative to the traditional broadcast model used here in Bulgaria," said News7 Project Manager Dobromir Anguelov. "Colleagues at other companies were uncertain about newscast automation technology, but the day after we launched News7 on Mosart, they began to understand our decision. With Mosart enabling a high level of automation within our control room, we can run an attractive, error-free newscast with just two operators and, in turn, dedicate more of our resources to content creation rather than operations costs."

"The News7 launch was a groundbreaking project, especially given its ambitious timeline," said Thomas Dodd, chairman of Best Flow Factory, which built the control room system core at its Copenhagen facility and transported it to Sofia for assembly, integration, testing, training, and commissioning. "The success of this installation demonstrates that our model of remote refinement and quickfire installation works. When broadcasters need a channel fast, we can do it. Mosart shares this philosophy, and its automation technology has been critical to the rapid build of Bulgaria's most advanced live news operation."

By simplifying the many control tasks within the news production chain, Mosart automation gives operators efficient control and frees specialized staff members to focus on enhancing the overall look and feel of the broadcast. This approach improves both communications and on-the-fly decision-making, contributing to a better news product. Because the Mosart system's automated operations can be refined and saved with each show produced, News7 can continually tune the system to provide even greater efficiencies.

With the successful installation and operation of Mosart automation, News7 is already considering additional ways in which to leverage the system. Support for Web repurposing and publishing systems already enables easy delivery of News7 content to users on mobile devices. The Mosart approach to newsroom operation and news output also simplifies the subsequent launch and production of subsidiary channels across the broadcast studios. If News7 moves forward with plans for a sports channel supported by Mosart automation, existing control room operators will be valuable in achieving yet another rapid and cost-effective channel launch.

"Mosart automation enables the flexible, intuitive, and highly automated operations that make sense for today's diversified multimedia operations," said John Kjellevold, managing director at Mosart Medialab. "Our technology eliminates the repetitive technical tasks required in production, freeing up human resources to refine the creative aspects of programming for broadcast or mobile delivery. As a result, companies such as News7 can institute streamlined live news production models and realize a high return on their media investment."

Further information on Mosart Medialab and its products is available at or by phone at +47 55 90 80 70.

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About News7

News7 is Bulgaria's first 24/7 news channel and a CNN International affiliate. The news channel launched on March 7, 2013 and is broadcast throughout the country via satellite and cable. The channel features news and documentaries as well as popular sporting events. More information is available at

About Best Flow Factory

Based in Copenhagen, Best Flow Factory provides broadcast and communications infrastructure to customers in the Balkans and the Caucasus. A sister company in the UAE offers the same service and solutions to the Middle East. Through both businesses and locations, Best Flow Factory provide solutions within digital content flow, from media production/acquisition stages through storage and repurposing to dissemination -- always tailored to the needs of the customer. To offer implementation times that are short and effective, Best Flow Factory performs "release testing" on its own site and then again at the customer's site, maintaining the rapid availability of technological components to assure timely project completion. Further information about the company is online at

About Mosart Medialab

Mosart Medialab is a subsidiary of TV 2 Norway and one of the cluster of technology spin-offs originating from TV 2, including Vizrt, StormGeo, Vimond, and Wolftech. Mosart Medialab ( develops and markets the Mosart(R) automation system for news, sports, weather, and live broadcasting applications. Conceived in 2002 at TV 2 by professional news directors, producers, and editors, Mosart meets the demands of live production by simplifying workflow and control, eliminating operational errors, and providing a highly flexible environment for ad hoc operation. High-level gallery control is combined with a sophisticated user interface, making it easy to override the schedule and improvise when breaking news demands instant response. Open-systems architecture ensures industry-leading compatibility with the widest range of third-party systems. Mosart is used for prime-time shows and 24/7 operations by major broadcasters. Mosart is Europe's market leader in studio automation. ARD, BBC, SKY, N24, TV2 Denmark, SVT, YLE, Global TV, and NRK are a few of its customers.

Photo Link:

Photo Caption: Mosart user interface gives News7 operators control of all gallery equipment