Pilat benchmarks test IBMS

Pilat Media’s Integrated Broadcasting Management System (IBMS) offers centralized sales, traffic and programming operations in a single system.

Sensitive to the fact that the broadcasting industry — and the needs of its users — is constantly changing, Pilat Media regularly submits IBMS to rigorous scalability and performance testing. The aim is to ensure that the internal architecture of the system will meet the needs of both small and large broadcasters.

In early 2005, Pilat Media decided to undertake a further IBMS benchmark test. This time it used a UNIX SMP platform to show that IBMS can scale to meet the needs of up to 2000 concurrent users across 60 different channels/stations in a single instance. IBMS needs no external tools to aggregate data from multiple servers or locations. To make the test as similar to a real-life broadcasting situation, 60 channels/stations were set up, each one holding schedules for 12 months, including 24 one-hour events for each day and four commercial breaks per hour. Four hundred advertisers were simulated for the test, each one with several products to advertise.

The test showed that in the course of an eight-hour day, over a three-month schedule, IBMS handled 600 concurrent users booking 244,800 spots, at a rate of eights spots per second and 1000 concurrent users booking 420,480 spots, at a rate of 14 spots per second. At the same time, 1000 users performed a range of normal operational activities.

For more information, visit www.pilatmedia.com.

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