Jampro JUHD UHF antenna offers performance options

To ensure trouble-free service, radomes are installed to enclose and protect the panels from rain and ice.

The Jampro JUHD Broad Band UHF Panel Antenna is designed as either a side-mount or a top-mount antenna.

The JUHD antenna is based on a modular design and can be configured to provide various azimuth and elevation patterns. By using optional beam tilt and null fill, the elevation pattern can be shaped to maximize coverage.

The design of this horizontally polarized antenna may be configured to include varying levels of vertical polarization, with results ranging from small amounts of elliptical polarization to full circular polarization. To ensure trouble-free service, radomes are installed to enclose and protect the panels from rain and ice.

The JUHD Broad Band UHF Panel Antenna can produce a wide variety of standard and custom azimuth patterns.

For more information, visit www.jampro.com.

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