Stringr, Google News Assisting With 2020 Election Coverage

NEW YORK—In an effort to assist with 2020 U.S. presidential election coverage, Stringr and Google News Initiative are teaming up to supply national and local news organizations with video content. Among the first to sign up to receive the coverage is Fox Television Stations.

With media organizations not always having the resources to cover every story on the campaign trail, Stringr and Google will provide broadcast, digital and raw video content to help supplement election coverage efforts. Stringr is expected to provide one broadcast and one digital segment per day, as well as two or more pieces of raw content, depending on events taking place.

Broadcast packages will include a voiceover for newscast networks. Digital packages are edited specifically for digital distribution and include captions. The Raw video assets will be of various events that can be edited by the organization.

In addition to Fox TV, current participants for the service include the Boston Globe, News Press & Gazette, Lee Enterprises and Flood Communications.

More details about Stringr and Google’s partnership are available online.