SBE Jumps Into Wireless Mic Squeezeplay

The Society of Broadcast Engineers has issued a policy statement about wireless microphones used in the 700 MHz band.

"Contrary to false and misleading allegations by some vendors of wireless microphones," states the SBE, "the 944–952 MHz Aural BAS band is heavily occupied in most areas of the United States. The band offers very little capacity for the operation of wireless microphones by eligible LPA licensees, and there are normally no options for unlicensed or ineligible licensees to use this spectrum at all."

SBE said it plans to monitor the situation and continue to pursue equivalent replacement spectrum for that lost in the 698–806 MHz band due to relocation, in bands other than 944–952 MHz, to facilitate licensed LPA operation.

Read the SBE's position statement here.

Radio World