Satellite Update

DirecTV Enterprises LLC filed an application to relocate DirecTV 5 from 109.8 degrees WL to 110.1 degrees WL, an unoccupied spot in the 110 degree orbital cluster, and modify its license to reflect the new location, as described in FCC Report SAT-00382.

DirecTV Enterprises LLC was granted special temporary authority to continue to conduct tracking, telemetry and command communications necessary to maintain DirecTV 6 as an in-orbit at the 109.5-degree WL orbital location for 180 days. Pegasus Development Corp. surrendered its authorization for Pegasus IA at 87 degrees WL. As a result the frequency bands 18.3-18.8 GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz, 28.35-28.6 GHz, and 29.25-30.0 GHz at this location are now available for assignment to other applications. See FCC Report SAT-00383 for more information on these actions.