Reno Engineers Plan SBE Chapter

A group of engineers plans to launch a new chapter of the Society of Broadcast Engineers in Reno, Nev., in May. Tim Stoffel of KNPB(TV) said Larry Bloomfield is scheduled to bring his "Taste of NAB" presentation to the city, showing radio and TV products that were on display at the big convention. The event is also the first of three meetings that organizers expect will result in an official SBE chapter.

Stoffel said the May presentation is for engineers who couldn't make it to NAB. "It happens even here in Nevada," he said.

"There will be a chance to see a near-state-of-the-art, small-market digital TV facility," he said. "Radio engineers are strongly urged to come. And if you have an interesting (small, please) piece of radio or TV technology memorabilia to 'show and tell,' you are encouraged to bring it." For info visit or e-mail to