Razor Digital to Release IMAX Titles on Blu-ray

Razor Digital said this week that it is planning (at least for now) a fall release exclusively on Blu-ray Disc of four titles that originated as super large-screen IMAX movies. The firm did not rule out issuing these and other titles on HD DVD later, but said it could only afford to go with one next-gen format for now, and chose Blu-ray because it has placed the most drives in consumers’ hands—especially via PlayStation 3 game consoles, which Razor specifically noted.

The titles to be released on Nov. 13 will include: “Antarctica: An Adventure of a Different Nature;” “Alaska: Spirit of the Wild;” “Australia: Land Beyond Time;” and “Africa: The Serengeti,” according to Blu-ray.com.

No details are yet available regarding the discs’ special features and audio format.

There’s no reaction yet from the HD DVD camp, which in the past had contended the majority of PS3 owners do not use their internal Blu-ray drives to watch HD movie titles. HD DVD proponents have said they were basing their statements, in part, on reported sales of Blu-ray movie and TV titles versus the number of PS3 units sold.

Blu-ray, in turn, has charged that HD DVD’s claim of outselling Blu-ray in Europe for standalone units is grossly misleading (HD Notebook, July 18, 2007).