Ion Launches Multiplatform DTV Education Initiative

Ion Media Networks is the latest broadcaster to announce a consumer education campaign on DTV.

Taking a page from the marketing books of cable and telephone companies, Ion is plugging what it calls the “Broadcast DTV Triple Play” of improved reception, new and more varied programming streams and mobile television—although that last one is a ways from reality.

The Ion campaign, starting Nov. 19, will include “DTV Action Spots” daily on each of Ion’s TV stations and during all day parts, including primetime, on-air alert crawls and regular banners (in an informational and entertaining style) and more.

Several other broadcasters have announced DTV initiatives of their own. Univision says it’s ahead of other broadcasters in the effort, and the Association of Public Television Stations (APTS) has announced a $50 million effort, part of a $697 million initiative led by NAB.

Ion Media, formerly Pax TV, owns more than 60 full-power TV stations.