BBC Natural History unit selects Colledia for “Planet Earth”

BBC Technology's Colledia for Production

BBC Technology, the technology division of the BBC, announced that its Colledia for Production software package is being used by the BBC’s Natural History Unit.

The package is part of a new upgrade to produce the BBC’s next major natural history series, “Planet Earth.”

About 25 graphic artists will use Colledia for Production to produce the new series. They will collaborate from their desktops, in an all-digital, tapeless environment. The implementation is also supported by a three-year managed service contract. BBC Technology will provide training, upgrades and user and technical support for Colledia.

Colledia for Production will interface with IT and broadcast technologies already in place at the BBC in the UK. This will allow the production team to combine several production processes and work together on material simultaneously. In addition, Colledia will provide the capability for ingest, storage, logging, viewing, storyboarding and basic content editing. The system will initially be able to store around 500 hours of broadcast quality material for the “Planet Earth” team to work with. Colledia will help them manage more than 2000 hours of material as production on the series progresses.

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