ATIS completes Phase 1 IPTV documents

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) in mid April released five new standards establishing IPTV’s foundational framework created by ATIS’ IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF).

The completion of the documents signals the conclusion of the first phase of the IIF’s three-phased plan. This phase completes the IIF’s standardization of linear television service (i.e. basic television) over an IP network.

Work has already begun on the IIF’s second phase, focusing on interactive services, including on-demand applications and pay-per-view programming. The IIF's third phase is scheduled to begin in 2011 and will focus on IPTV's most demanding applications, such as multiparty video conferencing and next-generation gaming.

Documents completed as part of Phase 1, include:

  • “IPTV Linear TV Service” (ATIS-0800018), which establishes IPTV’s fundamental building blocks for expansion into more advanced services, including pay-per-view and next-generation gaming.
  • “IPTV Consumer Domain Device Configuration Metadata” (ATIS-0800022), which specifies the data structures (metadata) required to provide basic information needed to acquire IPTV content.
  • “Media Formats and Protocols for IPTV Services” (ATIS-0800013), a comprehensive listing of the protocols and media formats required for the IPTV-related service implementation.
  • “IPTV Terminal Metadata Specification” (ATIS-0800029), which defines the data structure that facilitates the exchange of user-related data and the IPTV devices.
  • “Fault Codes for IPTV” (ATIS-0800028), which includes a categorized listing of fault codes for IPTV functions and components.