APTN Restores JFK Footage

Giving a fresh look to a pivotal moment in U.S. history, Associated Press Television News (APTN), is remastering and restoring the famed film footage of the assassination of Pres. John F. Kennedy.

APTN's copy of the film will be transferred onto a digital tape and processed at Metro Broadcast, a London post house, using an Archangel machine developed by Snell & Wilcox to stabilize and restore images by removing dirt, scratches, tape tear, film weave and other imperfecetions.

The final product will be released at the National Association of Television Program Executives in New Orleans in January.

"Are we going to see a second gunman? I doubt it," said Christopher O'Hearn, head of content development at APTN. "But if a program maker is using scratched, washed-out images, then viewers aren't going to be giving their full concentration, so we think it is a way of helping people to tell their story."