New signage network educates viewers on plight of abandoned animals

Vizicast has constructed a digital signage network aimed at broadcasting images of stranded, deserted or abandoned animals to captive audiences of pet owners that have been separated from their animals and potential new owners that would be willing to give them shelter.

When Hurricane Katrina hit the New Orleans area in late 2005, Americans rushed to help in any way they could. While the Internet served as a great communications tool that led to the reuniting of families, Hopalong Animal Rescue in California needed a more targeted means to showcase the 35 animals their team of 10 rescued in the Gulf Coast area. Hopalong Animal Rescue says there is still plenty of education that needs to be done in the rest of the country about the plight of animals in the Gulf Coast area community shelters.

The Hopalong Animal Rescue has reported an incredible response from supporters during a fundraiser where they unveiled the new system, which is based on Scala’s InfoChannel product. Vizicast is scouting high traffic public locations such as shopping malls to install screens and are encouraged by the well-received response to the presentations thus far.

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