Europe: Eurovision to Beam Obama Inaugural in HD

Eurovision, a network grouping more than 75 state-owned broadcasters throughout Europe, said this week it plans for the first time to provide live coverage of a U.S. presidential inauguration in HD. The all-day Obama festivities get underway in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, Jan. 20.

European broadcasters will be offered HD feed coverage of the swearing-in ceremony on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, the new president’s address to the world, and the subsequent motorcade and parade down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House.

Eurovision said the demand from its broadcast members for providing extensive inaugural coverage has been “unprecedented,” and besides introducing HD to the picture, it will roll out the most ambitious cameras-and-crew production it has ever undertaken for such an event. One Eurovision official said it will triple the number of circuits it used for the last U.S. inaugural four years ago.

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