New Satellite Broadcasting Project in Myanmar

ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIAThe GS Group international holding company has unveiled its plans for the implementation of a satellite-broadcasting project in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The holding company representatives made a declaration at the first session of the Inter-governmental Russian-Myanmar Commission for trade and economic cooperation.

GS Group representatives took part in the discussion of bilateral cooperation in the field of trade and investment during the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission, which took place in the city of Nay Pyi Taw, Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

According to a GS Group release, Myanmar is a promising region for establishing Pay-TV platforms due to the presence of a significant number of households with a TV and the low availability of Pay-TV in the country. Today, the developing country of Myanmar is open to investments from other countries and GS Group has submitted cooperation prospects for implementing the first mass satellite Pay-TV platform, expansion of the TV viewing audience and creation of new jobs in Myanmar.

"The GS Group competencies include implementing foreign broadcasting projects and their successful support based on positive experiences. We are ready to launch the broadcasting project in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar within a short time, which will be the first publicly available satellite TV in the country," said Denis Budilov, Deputy Director of Foreign Broadcasting Projects, GS Group.