Key Bridge Global database trial to begin March 11

Key Bridge Global will begin a 45-day trial of its TV band database system on March 11, the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology said last week.

The trial is limited and intended to give the public access and test the database system of Key Bridge to make sure it identifies channels available for use by unlicensed TV band devices. The trial also gives the public the change to ensure radio transmitting facilities in the TV band that are entitled to protection are registered properly.

The OET is asking the public for help in testing the Key Bridge database and provide it with feedback so it can remedy any errors.

The database is a critical ingredient in use of unlicensed TV white-space devices. Before such transmitting devices are permitted to operate, they are required by the FCC to provide their geographic location via a secure Internet connection to a TV band database system with FCC authorization.

The Key Bridge trial is a shakedown of its database implementation to ensure it provides accurate data about TV spectrum in use in a given locale before going live. The OET has examined the Key Bridge channel availability calculator and determined it was ready for a public trial.

Those who wish to test the Key Bridge database can access it online. The OET is asking people who participate in the trial to test:

  • the channel availability calculator;
  • the MVPD receive site (cable headend and satellite receive site) registration utility
  • the broadcast auxiliary temporary receive site registration utility
  • the fixed TVWS device registration utility; and
  • the wireless microphone registration utility.

The OET encouraged those participating in the testing to report inaccuracies or provide other comments about issues uncovered to Key Bridge. The company has set up a mechanism on the test website to receive comments.

Operators of MVPD receive sites, wireless microphones users, and operators of temporary BAS links must specifically register their sites to receive protection from TV band devices. 

As required by FCC rules, Key Bridge also is providing a registration capability for operators of MVPD receive sites, wireless microphones users and operators of temporary BAS links these facilities. Registration for these entities is available online.