Texas school district implements switchers for stadium and classroom CCTV

After successfully implementing a digital switcher in a classroom environment at its Ben Barber Career Tech Academy, the Mansfield Independent School District (Mansfield ISD) in Mansfield, TX, will deploy a second switcher for closed-circuit broadcasts within the school district’s new multipurpose stadium and natatorium currently under construction.

With more than 27,000 students enrolled at its 33 schools from elementary through high school, Mansfield ISD is one of the fastest growing school districts in Texas. Because of the pace at which it’s growing, the school district is constructing a new sports stadium complex. The new stadium will include the district’s second Broadcast Pix 2000 switcher housed within the press box for signal switching to a Jumbotron system. Three JVC GY-DV550U camcorders will be on the field — with two stationed in the press box and one on the field. One Canon NU700N remote control camera will be placed on top of the Jumbotron and operated remotely from the press box.

The new switcher allows creating and integrating graphics and titles within the live video, enabling one person to create graphics simultaneously while another person is doing the switching. Three JVC DV-550U cameras are installed in a “newsroom” setup in Ben Barber Career Tech Academy’s Media Technology program that also houses the Broadcast Pix 2000 switcher. The academy offers career tech training in the culinary arts, electronics, RTV communications, business marketing, geographical information systems and automotive industries.

For more information, visit www.broadcastpix.com.