Telco TV continues to make its way into new countries, In-Stat says

The availability of so-called telco TV services continues to expand to new countries just as availability expands within those countries as higher bandwidth networks are built to deliver video, reports In-Stat in a new report titled “Worldwide Telco TV Services.”

In many European countries, consumers even have choices among four or five broadband providers that offer telco TV services, the market research firm says, noting that this expansion of availability is driving much of the subscriber growth. In North America, meanwhile, subscriber growth is fueled by the largest telcos, such as Verizon Wireless and AT&T, who are “aggressively rolling out telco TV services in parts of their territories," according to Michelle Abraham, an In-Stat analyst quoted in a press statement about the report. "They are moving full-speed ahead with expanding the areas they serve, with subscribers doubling in 2007."

The report also predicts that telco TV subscribers worldwide will grow to 54 million in 2011, with subscription revenue from such services reaching $19 billion in 2011.

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