IABM Training Academy Launches Two Courses Targeting Broadcast Engineers

GLOUCESTERSHIRE, U.K.—The International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers Training Academy will launch new training courses designed specifically for engineers working in broadcast technology. Each two-day course, "Network Essentials for Broadcast Engineers" and "Compression Fundamentals and Applications," offers training led by experienced instructors and experts in the field.

“These additions to the growing array of IABM Training Academy courses not only cover subjects that are basic and essential building blocks of AV environments, but also address the knowledge and skill areas that are essential in a rapidly changing global media business,” Steve Warner, training manager at the IABM, says, adding that the courses were a result of broadcast engineer feedback and industry-specific research.

The “Network Essentials for Broadcast Engineers” will be offered from Dec. 4-5 in Reading, U.K. The course is hands-on and addresses the transition from dedicated interconnections between specific-to-function hardware to general-purpose hardware, bespoke software and IP-based network interconnects.

“Network Essentials for Broadcast Engineers” will feature discussion of the network infrastructure for interconnections in a file-based or streaming environment and will also cover the underlying communication infrastructure and media applications. The course will also explain changes that are the product of the transition from IP4 to IP6.

The second course is "Compression Fundamentals and Applications," which explores the role of compression as a building block of AV environments and how it enables increased functionality over uncompressed media. It will explain video compression and how the science can be applied to preserve and optimize image quality. This course will also be offered Dec. 11-12, also in Reading.

Online registration more information about the IABM Training Academy is available at www.iabmacademy.org.