GlobeCast Chooses XenData LTO in Singapore

WALNUT CREEK, CALIF., AND SINGAPORE—Ideal System has deployed XenData’s SX-522 digital video archive server for GlobeCast’s new broadcast facility in Mediapolis, Singapore, the hub of Singapore's media ecosystem.

The XenData SX-522 archive server will be managing a robotic LTO tape library, creating a scalable digital video archive. This is integrated with a suite of products from Evertz Technologies that includes the Mediator 4, a centralized media asset management system and broadcast automation system managing the media workflows and tasks.

The SX-522 enables archive files to be accessed over networks and seamlessly integrated into other standards-based applications and workflows. XenData archive server solutions can be used simultaneously by multiple standard applications and work seamlessly with most media asset management and automation systems. The NAS architecture also eliminates the need for extensive customization and minimizes the technical resources required for integration.

“We partnered with XenData for the rollout of the new broadcast facility at GlobeCast because it offers one of the most cost effective, robust digital video archives on the market and a great migration alternative to some of the more expensive digital video archive vendor offerings,” said Fintan Mc Kiernan, CEO of Ideal Systems Singapore.